Why we don't sell part worn tyres

A survey carried out by TyreSafe found that up to 98 per cent of used tyres sold in Britain did not comply with the regulations, while 34 per cent could be considered dangerous.
Buying a part-worn tyre is much like buying a second-hand electrical product - you don't have any comeback if there is something wrong with it, and if you have an accident that can be squarely blamed on the fitting of part-worn tyres, then you don't have any legal comeback if you want compensation.
The National Tyre Distribution Association (NTDA) has claimed that "as many as 97% of all part-worn tyres are being sold illegally", with lax attitudes to (and poor enforcement of) the regulations surrounding part-worn tyres.
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Contact us

Phone : 01604 312200

Mobile 1 : 07970 707712

Mobile 2 : 07710 651965


Unit 1
Staveley Way

opening hours

MON-FRI   08:00 – 17:00

SAT             08:30 – 12:30

SUN            CLOSED

The Brixworth Tyre Centre

Northamptonshire's tyre specialists, SCS have tyres for just about everything

The Brixworth Tyre Centre

Northamptonshire's tyre specialists, SCS have tyres for just about everything

The Brixworth Tyre Centre

Northamptonshire's tyre specialists, SCS have tyres for just about everything



Unit 1, Staveley Way, Brixworth, Northants, NN6 9EU

Opening hours::


08:00 – 17:00
08:30 – 12:30